Show and Tell Friday (10/26)

Welcome to "Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

Yesterday I was in our side yard raking up a pile of leaves for Sweet E to play in and I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was bright red. I looked down and saw three bright red objects in the grass. I picked them up....I have never seen these before. We are thinking they may possibly be wild strawberries, but are unsure since we have no prior experience with them. (really have no clue as to what they actually are.) And...what in the world would they be doing in the yard at the end of October! I just wanted to share pictures to see what everyone else thought. I thought it was so amazing to see and to find this time of year.


Rose of Sharon said…
They are so pretty! They do look like little wild strawberries, but I wouldn't know for sure. Your daughter looks so cute in the pix!


Unknown said…
Dear Melanie, I wonder if you borrowed a book from your local library about wild food whether that would help with identification. It seems strawberry-like to me. When you do confirm identification, don't forget to let us know, will you?

Blessings and bliss
retha said…
Looks like something my mother had in the garden. The plant grow like a ground cover. The flower is yellow, then these small 'strawberries' appear. We used to eat it. A bit tasteless. I think she wanted the red in the garden because she told us it is poisonous.

None of us died.
Anita said…
Yes, strawberries in October are quite unusual! We had some red ones last October, too! A couple of weeks ago, I found some green fruits at my strawberry patch again. But I decided to cut them back so that the plant won't love it's "energy" and for producing new delicious fruits next year.

Best wishes, Anita
Unknown said…
Well, they look sorta like strawberries. Can you get a picture of the leaf of the plant it came from? :-D By the way, thanks for taking me with you yesterday! :-)
Hootin Anni said…
Amazing treasure. Nothing like fresh fruit. [wild or store bought....but FRESH!!]

A very vivid color too. And the toddler is darling!!!!

Happy Weekend. And enjoy this week's show n tell!!!
Sondra said…
Sometimes I find little things like that that seem to defy nature too. That just reminds us that God is in control of it all.
Yes, it is odd to see in October, but I know here that we have had unseasonably warm weather too.
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't taste one but they sure are pretty. That red is so vivid.
Cute little girl!

Take care,
Susan said…
I'd say they look like strawberries. How neat!!!!
How neat! I have never seen strawberries this late in the season. Would be neat to find out what exactly they are.

Thanks for sharing
Martha said…
They look like strawberries to me. They are just a georgous red!

Did you eat them?

Have a great weekend.
Mary said…
They sure look like wild strawberries, but they shouldn't be ripe in fall. However, someone else mentioned a plant that has this type of fruit and I recall hearing this before. I would attempt to get an identification from an expert in your area.

Thanks for sharing. The photos are beautiful.
What a nice surprise for this time of year!

Your little one is a doll!

Kristy Jo said…
They do look like stawberries!

and your daughter is BEAUTIFUL!
Anonymous said…
Bummer. I can't see anything on your post. The words are there but no little red things. Happy Friday to you!
Mommy said…
Wow, that is sooo neat! To find something so "springy" in the middle of fall!! Very fasinating.

They are very beautiful, and the wee one holding them is a tad bit more pretty. ;-)

Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading your post.

Thanks for visiting me. :)
Carole Burant said…
What you have there looks to be a Wood Strawberry...they are not as common as the other strawberries. The fruit is more conical than the common strawberry plus the seeds are on the surface...looks like what you have!
Anonymous said…
They sure are pretty "looking" strawberries even if they're not!
... said…
i just looked up woods strawberry and it sound like what you've found. how cool to find those beautiful little berries.
Anonymous said…
Those grow like weeds in our yard and our church yard. I remember making "soup" with them when I was little and playing outside; but my Mom told me not to eat them so I don't know what they taste like.

They do usually come in the spring.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Anna T said…
Interesting! I wouldn't dare to eat them though :)
Betty said…

Really looks like strawberries to me....

Thank you for visiting with me and commenting on the Confederate Rose....Betty

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