Good Day for a Cry

Oh my, what a day we had today. We had to take this sweet little guy into the doctor for his circumcision today. I think it was much harder on me then it was on him. least he will not remember it, but I will. I couldn't watch and I just about started to bawl! Hubby was able to hold his hand and encourage him to suck on a pacifier to try and help. didn't help when he wouldn't stop bleeding. So, Mama took it pretty hard today. Then I had trouble with my oldest son. He has a terrible habit of waiting until he is about ready to "explode" to tell me that he has to go to the bathroom. Well, I don't move as fast as I did a week and a half ago and we ended up having two messes to clean up. I can't believe my little guy is already 8 days old. It is almost scary how fast time goes by. I hold this little guy as much as I can. My oldest will be 4 this summer and it doesn't seem possible! Well, as usual I need to take care of my lovely children and feed my little one. I also need more rest as I went up and down the stairs too many times today! (Oh was my first day outside since the little guy was born! Isn't that crazy....but I don't feel like I have been "couped" up or anything.) Blessings to all! =)


mom4x said…
Oh..its so hard. I remember when they took my son down to have his done. I cried until he returned....sleeping.. He did great and was resting peacefully when they brought him back to my room about 10 minutes after they took him. He did so good and healed wonderfully.. Its hard anytime for us mothers... I cried last month when they had to do the emergency surgeory on my 3 year old cause they made me leave and she was screaming I want my mommy.. I guess it thats one of the harder parts of parenting..
ANYWAYS he is looking great.. Hope you feel better soon, I know it takes awhile to recover. Hugs and let me know if ya need anything..

Marci said…
Oh Melanie... It will be OK. Enjoy snuggling him close.

By the way, since Mrs. M used a "real" name in your family in her comments, I think that we need to use her real name here. =)
LadySnow said…
I will be polite this time...but next time...we will "get her". ;)

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